Are You a Performer?


Are you a performer?  Your stage may not be a literal one – it may be a work place, or your home life – but you love the show, the adrenaline that comes with it, and the artistry it demands.  When you get ready to go to work, you say to yourself, “Show’s on,” and you put your other worries behind you to focus on the task at hand.

OK, so you’re a performer.  That means that you’ve got certain abilities, and you face certain challenges unique to performers. I specialize in consulting with individuals, teams, organizations and families who are in the business of performance at the highest level of their professions.   They are evaluated on the basis of their performance most days of their lives.

They are different from folks who take a “9 to 5” approach to their work, companies, relationships and lives.  Their worlds are different, their relationships are different and their challenges are different from those who choose not to place themselves in the arena of competition and performance.  Their lives will not be what others consider normal, nor can many individuals fully appreciate their lives and offer them wise, objective and informed counsel.

If you recognize yourself, your team, your organization or your family in this description of a performer, this blog may be for you.  In my next post, we’ll talk about the subset of performers who have the level of commitment necessary to achieve sustainable performance excellence.

I have decided to begin the daunting task of writing a book.  With over 10 years of experience now in the fields executive coaching, leadership development and sport psychology I have come to understand the overlapping principles in each field that create sustained performance excellence.  I’ll be sharing my thoughts on these concepts in this blog and then in much greater detail in my book.

I’d love your feedback and comments along the way!

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