Archives for 2022

5 Steps To Avoid Complacency

Remember the fire in the belly you felt on the way to achieving a goal? The goal might have involved a project execution, career advancement, or a sports championship. You came to work each day focused and energized. Yet as you reached your goal, it’s likely that a subtle process began to take hold, one […]

5 Steps to Self-Discipline

Think about the last time you decided to improve something about yourself, your team, or a relationship. If you’re like most people, you started strongly, then faded slightly, then faded more, and eventually slipped back into the same pattern that motivated you to make the change initially. It bothers you when you think about it, […]

High-Performance Culture: Cliché or Reality?

I often grow weary of the clichés and jargon I encounter in sports and corporations. Yet every once in a while, I embrace a term that falls under the “cliché” or “jargon” category because the phrase captures the essence of something special in a way that no other words can. That’s why I’ve come to […]

Three Rookie Leadership Mistakes

You’ve taken your first head coaching job, executive position or perhaps even become a CEO. You are simultaneously excited and overwhelmed. You look forward to the challenge and the opportunity. In order to capitalize on your success, you’ll need to avoid these common pitfalls that frequently occur with the big promotion. Mistake #1: Managing Versus […]

Do You Really Delegate?

Any successful leader must master the art of delegation, yet in realty few do. Why is that? Let’s look at the typical progression of leadership to understand why it is so difficult to delegate effectively when you’ve arrived at the top. How Did I Get Here? You achieved a position of leadership by delivering results. […]