Most people believe success and excellence are interchangeable terms. After all, if I’m successful I’m excellent, right? Not so fast… Results Versus Potential Success is an absolute term. If you are the highest producing salesperson, win the game, or beat the earnings forecast, you are successful. Success in the performance world is about achieving outcomes […]
Why Aren’t More People Excellent?
The Bell Curve Theory of Life Most of us are familiar with the bell curve. Statistically, on many characteristics (such as height) people fall along a continuum. Most are near the average and very few are exceptional at both ends. There are lots of 5’9″ males and not very many 5’1″ or 7’1″ men in […]
Sustainable Excellence Through Process, Discipline & Focus (Part 3)
I’ve presented the process and discipline components of sustainable excellence in the last two posts. The final piece of the performance equation is focus. Your goal plan provides the process you follow to achieve your ultimate vision. Determining whether goals are met along the way lets you know if you have the necessary discipline to […]
Sustainable Excellence Through Process, Discipline & Focus (Part 1)
Don’t rely on the latest tip of the day or fad of the month to achieve your personal or collective best. There will always be another leadership or self-help book, infomercial, exercise program, diet, etc., proclaiming to take you to the Promised Land. Truth be told, many techniques are helpful for temporarily improving some aspect […]
5 Steps To Avoid Complacency
Remember the fire in the belly you felt on the way to achieving a goal? The goal might have involved a project execution, career advancement, or a sports championship. You came to work each day focused and energized. Yet as you reached your goal, it’s likely that a subtle process began to take hold, one […]
High-Performance Culture: Cliché or Reality?
I often grow weary of the clichés and jargon I encounter in sports and corporations. Yet every once in a while, I embrace a term that falls under the “cliché” or “jargon” category because the phrase captures the essence of something special in a way that no other words can. That’s why I’ve come to […]
Three Rookie Leadership Mistakes
You’ve taken your first head coaching job, executive position or perhaps even become a CEO. You are simultaneously excited and overwhelmed. You look forward to the challenge and the opportunity. In order to capitalize on your success, you’ll need to avoid these common pitfalls that frequently occur with the big promotion. Mistake #1: Managing Versus […]
Five Signs You are a Self-Aware Leader
Years ago, a CEO I was working with said to me, “You know, no one gets to be a CEO without an ego.” What struck me about his comment was that I perceived him as one of the lowest ego CEOs I have ever worked with. He possessed the self-awareness to understand that he had […]
Is Team Building a Waste of Time?
Mention the words “team building” to a group of senior leaders and you can feel the collective groans, sighs and various other forms of displeasure. Most senior leaders feel traditional team building is a waste of time. This might seem curious coming from an executive coach, but I agree with them. Except for the social […]
The Right and Wrong Ways to Use Executive Coaching
Executive coaching has become an explosive field. I’ve seen examples of highly successful coaching and also witnessed extremely poor practice. Making an investment in executive coaching requires significant time and resources for any individual or organization. Given that investment, here are some thoughts that will help maximize your coaching benefits. Start With The Right Assessment […]