If I had to choose a single concept most important to achieving sustainable excellence, it would be understanding the relationship between process and outcome. This principle is key to professional excellence but also to realizing your full potential in any area of life. Master this concept and life becomes simpler, more productive, and more focused. […]
Five Signs You are a Self-Aware Leader
Years ago, a CEO I was working with said to me, “You know, no one gets to be a CEO without an ego.” What struck me about his comment was that I perceived him as one of the lowest ego CEOs I have ever worked with. He possessed the self-awareness to understand that he had […]
Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work
Next time you are in the gym, take a look around at the new faces you see. These are the people who set a New Year’s resolution to get in better shape and lose weight. Most of them won’t be in the gym with you in a couple of months. Research shows that less than 10% of […]
How Lin-Manuel Miranda Created a Smash Hit: Leadership Lessons
When’s the last time you’ve heard so much buzz about a Broadway musical? Hamilton creator and star Lin-Manuel Miranda has turned a history lesson into a serious case of ticket envy across America. Even before Hamilton was nominated for a record sixteen Tony awards and claimed eleven top prizes, people have been willing to stand in […]
Redefining Passion In Leadership
In your leadership journey you have undoubtedly heard about the need for passion. It’s true that passion is essential to excellence. But I find leadership passion is very misunderstood. Passion comes in many different packages. When we think of passion we often go to images of highly charismatic, often dramatic, leaders giving impassioned speeches to […]
Excellence Keys: Prepare, Perform, Evaluate
In any performance oriented situation or profession, there are three keys to achieving sustainable excellence. You won’t knock it out of the park on every occasion. Guess what, you’re human! But I’ve found that following this three step process allows performers to achieve consistent excellence over time. Prepare I’m surprised how many executives attend important […]