A Lesson in the Airport The other day I was in an airport lounge preparing for my latest consulting trip. The lounge was filled with the usual business types chatting on their cell phones, having drinks and generally conveying an air of self-importance. An employee came by to clean up my area, collecting glasses and […]
Thoughts On Leadership From A Fortune 20 Executive
I’m fortunate that practically all my corporate clients genuinely care about leadership and demonstrate this commitment in our engagement. However, many executives claim to be interested in leadership yet their behavior often doesn’t match their speech. I’ve recently crossed paths with a senior leader (not a client) who writes about and demonstrates leadership. Karin Hurt […]
Excellence Keys: Prepare, Perform, Evaluate
In any performance oriented situation or profession, there are three keys to achieving sustainable excellence. You won’t knock it out of the park on every occasion. Guess what, you’re human! But I’ve found that following this three step process allows performers to achieve consistent excellence over time. Prepare I’m surprised how many executives attend important […]
Why The Mighty Fall
With the John Edwards trial continuing in North Carolina this week and Tiger missing the cut at our Charlotte tournament last week, I’m reminded of the dynamics that usually occur when famous performers make life altering mistakes in their personal lives. I’ve worked with many of these clients and there is usually a fairly typical […]
Are You Motivated By Ego?
If you are a performer it’s key to understand why you choose to compete. If you are managing or coaching performers it’s even more important to understand what motivates them in order to lead effectively. Research has identified two primary motivations for individuals who enter into the world of competition. They are ego and mastery. […]