Three Rookie Leadership Mistakes

You’ve taken your first head coaching job, executive position or perhaps even become a CEO. You are simultaneously excited and overwhelmed. You look forward to the challenge and the opportunity. In order to capitalize on your success, you’ll need to avoid these common pitfalls that frequently occur with the big promotion. Mistake #1: Managing Versus […]

Do You Serve Or Lead?

You finally obtained your dream job. Your title might be CEO, vice-president, head coach, orchestra conductor or school principal. Regardless of your craft, now your success depends on your ability to motivate, develop and coach those you lead. As a senior leader, you’ll be evaluated on the performance of others rather than your own direct […]

Executive Team Coach and Individual Coach: Mutually Exclusive?

Coaching senior leadership teams is a very challenging and rewarding endeavor.  It’s not for the faint of heart or new consultant. But if you are up to the challenge and have the necessary skills, successful execution creates breakthrough experiences for individuals and teams. In order to achieve these breakthroughs with senior leadership teams, some of […]

Excellence Keys: Prepare, Perform, Evaluate

In any performance oriented situation or profession, there are three keys to achieving sustainable excellence. You won’t knock it out of the park on every occasion. Guess what, you’re human! But I’ve found that following this three step process allows performers to achieve consistent excellence over time. Prepare I’m surprised how many executives attend important […]